Craig Smith | SA Home Loans


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05 Nov 2013

Craig Smith

My family and I had been living overseas for some time and we decided to move back to be closer to family and friends. The obvious dream was to own our own home again one day. The key phrase for me was one day. My wife eventually nagged me for a couple of weeks to start having a look around at houses, but I thought we've not been back in the country long enough we won't have a chance at getting a bond. Fortunately I was blessed to find a decent job fairly soon after coming back home, and so we started looking at houses online. Seeing one that looked interesting we went and looked at a house (Enough nagging will make anyone give in I suppose). Again expecting this just to be an exercise in look at what you can't have. The first house we looked at (around the corner from the in-laws, who I fortunately get on well with) called out to us immediately; this is the house for you. We explained our situation to the agent who said all we can do is try, and so we did. From that point onwards my SA Home Loans journey started. The consultant we had was professional and friendly and bent over backwards to help us get our bond. Much to my surprise we were granted a bond and have happily been living in our new home for the last 4 months or so. We had only been back in the country a few months, I was certain no bank or lender would help us. Thank you for the very pleasant surprise SA Home Loans, you have made me, my wife and my 2 wonderful kids extremely happy. 

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