Janice Sigamoney | SA Home Loans


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27 Oct 2011

Janice Sigamoney

As a very young man, my husband felt strongly called to give up his secular work and study towards becoming a full time priest in the Anglican Church. We accordingly in 1990, gave up our careers in Durban and moved to Grahamstown. Doing this meant sacrificing our dreams of having a home, security and a stable income. I worked and my husband studied and life was tough. There was very little money and our first baby arriving brought many fears for the future to the fore. We knew that the life we had chosen meant we would be sent from one place to another to do God's work. I was afraid that my children would find the moving unsettling and that it might have some terrible impact on them in the future. However, I learnt to put my trust in God and believe that He had a plan for us. The moving started after my husband finished his studies. We moved from Grahamstown to Greytown, to Margate, to Merebank and eventually to the Bluff. We lived in many different houses and that is what they were - houses. While we made these houses as comfortable as possible, we could never call them "home". When the next move came, my kids rebelled. They did not want to move again. We were praying that God would open a door for us to buy our own home. We were also much older and with retirement looming in the future, it made sense to try and get ourselves a home. However, we had no money. We looked anyway! We found one! To cut a long story short, a miracle took place. God answered our prayers.

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