Storm Fawcitt | SA Home Loans


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19 Nov 2013

Storm Fawcitt

Ever since my parents divorce, when I was 4years old, we moved around a lot (me, my mom and my brother) we never had a stable home, a place to call our own, we stayed in some rather unusual places like an old warehouse. With each move we lost a little more hope, that would usually bring you down but my mom always stayed positive and dreamt of having a place of our own to call home; or maybe she just knew how to hide her disappointment well. We moved up to Jo'burg, as per my uncles request and promise to my mom, "there are jobs up here", this was our 5th move in almost 3years, but it was an opportunity for a better life, so we packed and moved to JHB. We stayed with my uncle and my mom had a job so things seemed to be going well.... so we thought. My uncle was in the process of selling his house and we had nowhere to go, luckily our neighbour was renting out the flat in their backyard and he said we could move in, and once again we moved. The flat was a tiny double story 2 bedroom flat which was crumbling but we made the best of it during our 10year residence. As I grew up and started working my mom and I would often discuss and dream of having our own home, we used to look through the property magazines and say, "oh wouldn't that one be nice." And we weren't even looking at the fancy homes, just something plain and simple to call ours. 

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